
How to eat low carb when you are on the road

I planned it out for weeks before the trip. We were driving 10 hours away for funeral number 1, and then 2 days later driving 13 hours for funeral number 2, and then after 3 days at extended family's home a 10-hour drive home. I planned every meal and snack for myself.

Then it happened.

Unexpected car repairs left us stranded 2 nights at a hotel 3 hours away from where our luggage and my low carb foods were. We were still in our funeral attire.

Ordering food delivered was an expensive option. We had no vehicle to try for cheaper options. The hotel offered some breakfast assortment but only the hard-boiled eggs and the cream cheese were low carb.

This blog is some of the low carb options I found at gas stations and truck stops that were within walking distance. Eating on plan while traveling can be challenging but it isn't impossible and with a little creativity you can still eat low carb or Keto.

Figure 1 Low Carb Keto Base Culture Bread. I had 1 slice with me. Coffee with 1/2 & 1/2, hard boiled eggs, cream cheese and butter. One hotel breakfast.


Figure 2 Cheesewiches are the next best thing for keto snacking.

This is my favorite find. These were the first low carb/Keto item I found when I restarted May 2020. I was very excited to see a low carb option for traveling. 2 slices of cheese with a slice of salami sandwiched in the middle. These are about 3 inches diameter, but I have also seen them recently in smaller bite sized options. 


Mozzarella cheese sticks were the only option for years. It has been great to see other flavors and shapes.

Figure 3 Babybel White Cheddar at a local gas station.

Figure 4 More cheese options besides string cheese.

Figure 5 Cheese sticks are a very portable protein and fat option.


Processed meats like pepperoni and salami wrapped around cheese sticks have been a low carb staple for years. Recently manufacturers started making them available in a premade package. My favorite is prosciutto wrapped around a mozzarella cheese stick.

Figure 6 Pepperoni, Salami and Prosciutto wrapped around cheese sticks are a quick and easy snack. Panino Brand shown here.

Figure 7 Pepperoni, Salami and Prosciutto wrapped around cheese sticks are a quick and easy snack. Volpi brand shown here.

Figure 8 Pepperoni, Salami and Prosciutto wrapped around cheese sticks are a quick and easy snack. Jack Links brand shown here.


Hard-Boiled eggs are a quick and easy protein source. They are portable and don't require any additional prep to eat.

Figure 9 Hard-Boiled eggs come with many options. Here they are paired with cheese. Ignore the crackers if low carb/keto.

Figure 10 Hard-Boiled eggs can be found by themselves also. This is a fast, simple protein option.


Those special extras that just complete a meal. Individual Olives, Guacamole and Pickles.

Figure 11 Olives are a great source of fat.

Figure 12 Avocados and Guacamole add much needed fats to our meals and snacks.

Figure 13 These are not packaged with the juice and make it great for traveling without spilling.


Written by Joy Sypher 
Published: August 14th  2021